Strengthen your Body

What is Pilates Therapy?

Pilates is a type of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates is the early 1900's. The practice consists of controlled movements of the body that promote targeted muscle strengthening whilst stabilising the body.

Pilates is deceptively challenging, especially with a 1-2-1 coach where you will receive ongoing feedback and correction to make sure you get the best results possible in the safest way.

As a qualified Pilates Therapist, I specialise in using The Pilates Method as a treatment for problems like Back Pain, Joint Pain, Sports Injuries and Injury Rehabilitation.

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Pilates Therapy Benefits

This accessible, low-impact form of exercise is great in many ways.

Builds Core Strength and Stability

Pilates is renowned for its ability to strengthen the deep support muscles of the abdomen. Once this is established, focus expands to strengthening muscle groups that improve posture. This also provides a strong foundation for overall body strength and stability.

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Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

Through a series of controlled movements and stretches, Pilates promotes flexibility and increased range of motion. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, Pilates sessions can help you move with greater ease and fluidity.

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Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention

Pilates Therapy is designed to support injury rehabilitation and prevention. My expertise allows for the customization of sessions to address specific concerns, such as poor flexibility, poor posture, muscle strengthening, and rehabilitation from injuries.

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Mind-Body Connection

Although Pilates is a physical workout; it helps build awareness of your body's strengths and weaknesses, and the human anatomy. For example, you will learn to establish a connection with your deep support muscles, including your pelvic floor.  

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"Helped me overcome a back injury."

Bridgette is consistently professional. She tailors each of my lessons to my exact needs at that time and has helped me overcome a back injury. Bridgette is very knowledgeable and I like that she is always looking to develop her knowledge further.  I cannot recommend her enough.

"Makes every session enjoyable."

Bridgette is an inspirational  & exceptional Pilates teacher. She is hugely experienced and makes every session enjoyable,  bespoke & dynamic.

"Bridgette is exceptional..."

I do alot of fitness including Crossfit and Yoga. My one and only go to is Bridgette, who knows exactly what pressure to apply an how to work magically on those areas that need more attention. I always feel very comfortable, and know what Bridgette does will improve how my whole body feels.

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My Set Up

Pilates Studio Reformer Pilates Advanced Pilates Thorpe Bay Southend-On-Sea

A fully equipped Pilates Studio

Pilates sessions can involve various equipment, based on your individual needs and goals. In my private studio, equipment such as mats, resistance bands, stability balls, stretch bands, support blocks are available to be incorporated into your private Pilates sessions.

Additionally, I am fully qualified to teach using The Reformer: a robust apparatus designed to enable a plethora of additional types of Pilates exercise through controlled resistance.

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Back Pain Shoulder Pain Treatment Massage Maintenance Thorpe Bay Southend-On-Sea

Pilates FAQs

How does Pilates differ from other forms of exercise?

Pilates is a holistic exercise method that emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. It distinguishes itself through controlled movements, breath work, and a focus on precision and form. Unlike high-impact exercises, Pilates is gentle on the joints while providing a challenging and effective workout.

Can Pilates help with muscle pain and joint issues?

Yes, Pilates is known for improving muscle strength and flexibility, making it beneficial for individuals dealing with muscle pain and joint issues. I use my knowledge as a Level 5 Sports Massage Therapist and Qualified Pilates Therapist to inform my Pilates Lessons so that you get the most benefit.

Is Pilates suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Pilates is adaptable to all fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or at an intermediate level, I will customise your Pilates lessons to meet your specific needs.

How often should I do Pilates to see results?

The frequency of Pilates sessions depends on individual goals and any treatment plans. For noticeable results, participating in Pilates 2-3 times a week is recommended. Consistency is key to experiencing the full benefits.

Can Pilates help with posture improvement?

Yes, Pilates is excellent for improving posture. The emphasis on core strength and body awareness helps individuals develop better alignment and support, leading to improved posture over time.

Can Pilates be beneficial for stress reduction?

Absolutely. Exercise in general has proven to be beneficial for Stress Reduction. Pilates does incorporate breath work and movement, but more studies need to be conducted to conclude if it its benefits are beyond those associated with general exercise.